Does Hekman Library have the New York Times online?


Yes, for Calvin staff, faculty, emeriti, and students. 

"Academic Pass" covers the Times for its whole publication history (1851 to the present). Here are detailed instructions:

1. Go to and click on the link for New York Times Academic Pass. If you’re off campus, you’ll be prompted to authenticate with your Calvin login and passphrase.

2. On the resulting NYT site search for Calvin University and Seminary in the “Find school” search box.

3. Follow the link for on-campus users. Or, read the instructions for off-campus users and click on the blue “Go” button. You may need to authenticate again, or you may be forwarded to the page for creating an account.

4. Click the “Create account” button and fill out the form. Be sure to use your Calvin email address. You’ll be asked to set up a unique password, which you’ll use any time you want to access

Emeriti can get access if they still use their Calvin email address and have access to the library databases. They should follow the same steps above to set up an account. 

Any questions about access may be directed to Katherine Swart, Collection Development Librarian.



  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2023
  • Views 306
  • Answered By Hekman Research Assistance

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